Carol Mueller Tandy
Carol's Latest Interactions
Hello... down the street neighbor in W- burg Village... once upon a time. Hope all is good with you and your family. Just realized both you and I have a Mindy born in 1971!!!?? We are battling dodging hurricanes and now intense rainstorms -yuck!!!! Just was made a great- grandma for the 2nd time - her name is Ella Rose... big brother Oliver - now 4??
Sent you a couple of e-mails. Wishing you had made the reunion! Everyone had a great time.
Trying again ... Happy early Birthday, young lady. Call when ready.
Posted on: Aug 21, 2016 at 3:34 AM
So my friend, how are you doing? Hoping you have recovered from whattever HD you side-lined. I have had issues for awhile and am slowly returning to normal...almost. Trying to keep on bright side! Have roasted all summer in the Houston heat and floated with the rain! Unfortunately my car did not float in May!!!! What's new with you a d your family?
An early Happy Birthday, Carol!
Posted on: Sep 25, 2014 at 9:17 PM
I so enjoyed seeing you ! How far back we really do go! I have a Mindy also.... born 1971. My other daughter ,Rebecca was born in 1972. What a great gang we had at College Hill. It was much fun to visit with you Saturday night! Hopefully we can keep touch by e-mail. Planning to post pictures in my profile but sudelined less than 24 hours after getting home by a nasty car accident- which totaled my car :( . Glad for guardian angets!
Posted on: Sep 13, 2014 at 12:38 AM
It was Lovely seeing you and chatting this evening !!!
Posted on: Sep 02, 2014 at 7:31 PM
Hey Susan.... I'm looking forward to seeing you and Lynn Eitzen Shaffer shortly at the REUNION !!! I was a member of the lst Presbyterian.youth group in Evanston and especially remember you from our times together there.... Remember me? --
Carol Mueller -- one of the twins , with Sue Mueller as my sis. She is not coming to the reunion (she's the introvert of the two of us...haha!) Looking forward to the Friday get together and seeing you then. I'll be with Mike Barnes and his date....