Melvin "Rommie" Taylor
Melvin "Rommie"'s Latest Interactions
Dear classmates, We have lost another outstanding member of our class in Victor Brown. Vic played baseball with me in high school and was a great teammate. What was so amazing about Vic was he must have grown 6-8 inches in height since high school. He was mild mannard and easy to get along with. He was always so positive inspite of all the illness he endured. My hat is off to you Vic Brown and you set the bar very high for all your classmates to follow. God Bless you and your family.
ETHS we will Fight For You!
Honorary Captain Rommie Taylor
ETHS we will Fight for you . It is with a heavy heart that I have again lost a close classmate. Virgil and I were in preschool together with Roger Ward. Virgil's mother was our teacher and we had a great class. I was also honored to play football at ETHS and basketball Freshman and sophomore with Virgil. Virgil was always a great teammate! He was talented and gifted and always caring and supportive. Virgil could sing , dance ,play musical instruments and enjoyed all his classmates. He laughed and joked and loved to ??! Virgil was the Best ! You could count on him to do whatever he said he would do! We maintained our friendship throughout the years. He always had a big smile and a gleam in his eye that let you know you could trust him when he gave his word on anything!!!!!!
As we close out this year of 2024 Remember the Best is yet to come !!Yes we have a great class and the classmates are the Best that ETHS has to honor !!!!!
Posted on: Oct 16, 2024 at 10:26 AM
Karl, I hope your day is a great day! Also I hope the weather in Florida finds you and your family in good health. We missed you at the Reunion but if you got the pictures you could see we all were having fun!! God bless you and your family.
We Will Fight For You!!!!
Rommie HOF Honorary Captain
Posted on: Oct 12, 2024 at 12:02 PM
Renee I hope you have a wonderful day today! Keep your focus on being true to yourself. I hope to see you soon before the next reunion.
Take care and we have come a long way since Skyles Junior high
HOF Rommie Honorary Captain
Posted on: Oct 11, 2024 at 5:36 PM
Marguerite happy birthday! It was great seeing you at the reunion and you looked terrific !!
Keep doing what you have been doing. God is good! Let's stay in touch. I owe your brother Thomas a call too. You have a great family talk to you soon!
We Will Fight For You!!!
Rommie HOF Honorary Captain
Bob Happy Birthday! I hope you and your family is doing Great! Sorry I missed you at the Reunion but you can tell by the pictures everyone had a great time. Take care and I hope to connect with you soon.
Best Regards,
Rommie HOF Honorary Captain
Ted, Happy Birthday!!!!
I hope you have a great day today! You deserve making this day a special occasion. See you on our zoom call today.
Rommie HOF Honorary Captain
Posted on: Sep 17, 2024 at 5:53 PM
Susan, happy birthday today! I hope you enjoy your day today. It was great getting to know you and working with you for our 60th class reunion. Thanks for all your support to make the reunion a class act !
Take care and see you at the next one!
Rommie HOF Honorary Captain
Posted on: Jun 15, 2024 at 9:04 PM
Happy Birthday Ollie! I hope you are doing fine. I am looking forward to seeing you at our reunion in September.! We can share some old stories and laugh our butts off!!!
You are the Man!
ETHS We Will Fight For You!!!
Rommie HOF Honorary Captain
Dana Happy Birthday, I hope you have a great day today! I also want to let you know how much I appreciate how much your dad contributed to the many great memories and accomplishments he made for the black youth in Evanston. You had great parents! Foster School helped develop many great people. Walking to school with you was a great experience.
ETHS We Will Fight For You !!!!'
Rommie HOF Honorary Captain
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day today. Looking forward to our 60 class reunion in September ! I am looking forward to seeing you and have a great conversation. Stay on top of your game.
Rommie HOF Honorary Captain
Posted on: May 29, 2024 at 12:37 PM
Hello Steve,
I hope all is well and I look forward to seeing you at the reunion. A great time will be had by all ! Thanks for your support and participation.
Rommie Taylor HOF Honorary Captain
Happy Birthday Phoebe! I hope you enjoy your day today. I hope to see you soon.God bless you and your family.
Rommie HOF Honorary Captain
Carl, Happy Birthday! I hope you are in good heath and had a wonderful day today. I hope to see you and your wife at the 60 reunion in September. I am going to get Foster School classmates to join in for a great time! I know you will have a great time catching up. Talk to you soon. Rommie Taylor HOF Honorary Captain
Fred, I hope you are having a great day today! I am looking forward to seeing you at our 60 reunion in September. Let's catch up and have a great time!
We Will Fight For You .....
Rommie HOF Honorary Captain
Sherrie Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you enjoyed your Day ! Don shared he has been speaking with you about the upcoming reunion. Thanks for all your support. I look forward to seeing you at the Reunion !
We Will Fight For You!!!!!
Rommie HOF
Honorary Captain
Posted on: Apr 18, 2024 at 2:44 PM
Happy Birthday Lillian! I hope you enjoy today's gift to you. I am looking forward to our 60 class reunion. Stay well and healthy. See you soon. I spoke with Harriet Washington about coming to the reunion and she is looking forward to seeing classmates. Take care
Rommie Taylor
Honorary Captain
James , hope you are having a great Day today. I hope everything is going well in your world. I just got off the zoom call for our class reunion that we are planning. I hope you can attend and I will give you a call about it shortly. Again stay well and keep the positive energy coming!
Mike Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy your Day today. I hope to see you at the Reunion with all our classmates in attendance. Stay strong and keep your faith!
We Will Fight For You....
Rommie HOF Honorary Captain
Happy Birthday my friend ! I hope you have a great day planned! Keep active and stay healthy and positive' see you at the Reunion!!!'
Rommie HOF Honorary Captain