LoMar, Bruce A. Bruce A. LoMar, 63, of North Redington Beach, FL, died in an accident on Saturday, October 2, 2010. Bruce, a native of Evanston (IL) and long-time Chicago resident, is survived by his sister Toby LoMar (husband Ken) Salzman and niece Sarna Salzman. He graduated from Evanston Township High School (1964) and Michigan State University (1968) and worked in computer systems for CNA in Chicago until his retirement. Bruce was the grandson of "Doc" Herman LoMar and son of Arnold LoMar, of LoMar's Pharmacy in Evanston, and Leah LoMar. Memorial tributes may be made to SEEDS ecology+education+design, an environmental nonprofit run by his niece, at www.ecoseeds.org, or to www.busmuseum.org, where he was a member. - See more at: http://legacy.pioneerlocal.com/obituaries/pioneerlocal-evanston/obituary.aspx?n=bruce-a-lomar&pid=145964442#sthash.5rdCDOHV.dpuf
Bruce was a neighbor, fellow cub scout and very bright. We used to play kick ball in the street in front of his house which was next to Sander Hayden who also is gone!. His mom was elected to the Dist 65 board of education and was a big influence in Evanston Education. A park was named for her on Mulford just west of Asbury backing up to the old North Shore Tracks, later the Skokie Swift. His family's drug store on Davis Street near the Post Office was a landmark for years!
Donna Dullin (Nemanic)
LoMar, Bruce A. Bruce A. LoMar, 63, of North Redington Beach, FL, died in an accident on Saturday, October 2, 2010. Bruce, a native of Evanston (IL) and long-time Chicago resident, is survived by his sister Toby LoMar (husband Ken) Salzman and niece Sarna Salzman. He graduated from Evanston Township High School (1964) and Michigan State University (1968) and worked in computer systems for CNA in Chicago until his retirement. Bruce was the grandson of "Doc" Herman LoMar and son of Arnold LoMar, of LoMar's Pharmacy in Evanston, and Leah LoMar. Memorial tributes may be made to SEEDS ecology+education+design, an environmental nonprofit run by his niece, at www.ecoseeds.org, or to www.busmuseum.org, where he was a member. - See more at: http://legacy.pioneerlocal.com/obituaries/pioneerlocal-evanston/obituary.aspx?n=bruce-a-lomar&pid=145964442#sthash.5rdCDOHV.dpuf
Sherwin "Jay" Siegall
Bruce was a neighbor, fellow cub scout and very bright. We used to play kick ball in the street in front of his house which was next to Sander Hayden who also is gone!. His mom was elected to the Dist 65 board of education and was a big influence in Evanston Education. A park was named for her on Mulford just west of Asbury backing up to the old North Shore Tracks, later the Skokie Swift. His family's drug store on Davis Street near the Post Office was a landmark for years!
Suzanne Linfield (Spindler)
I danced with Bruce at the 25th year reunion. He was a very bright guy. When my dad and I walked to Mikdosh-El we passed his home. Sad.