Marty Campbell

Profile Updated: February 13, 2024
Residing In San Lorenzo, NM USA
Spouse/Partner as Mike says, Available.
Homepage View Website
Occupation performance poet
Children accept everyone as my child and as my parent equally
Military Service Conscientious Objector, 2 yrs Non-milit. Alt. Srvc  

in geographic transit. looking for an intentional community (like an ecovillage) in the midwest i mite resonate with enuf to live in longterm, in driving distance (<10hrs) of my brother in Naperville IL. any ideas? now through April, 2014, i'm staying in Ogden Dunes IN, < 2 hrs from Evanston.

as of August 14, 2014: residing at the Ecovillage Training Center, The Farm, Summertown TN. as my new home base long term.

School Story

i wish i had and could now thank a couple teachers, particularly Mr. Kolb in bio and Mr. Ted Kauss (sp?) in Alg/Trig. very saddened to know some of my basketball teammates, and cheerers on, have passed away. hope others will sign in here. Dose? Romey?

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Marty Campbell has a birthday today.
Jun 24, 2024 at 3:33 AM
Marty Campbell has a birthday today.
Jun 24, 2023 at 3:33 AM
Marty Campbell has left an In Memory comment for Robert Bost.
Jan 27, 2023 at 6:54 PM


1864: Melvin "Rommie" Taylor

Hello Classmates,
I would like to invite the teammates and our classmates to the ETHS Boys Basketball Game against New Treir February 3,, 2023 at 6:30 PM. This game will be played at E.T.H.S. And we are hoping for a great turnout for the game. So , if you played basketball or baseball with Bob Bost; I would like to extend an invitation to participate in this Great Rivalry ! We Will meet before and after the game to reconnect and celebrate life and being and E.T.H.S.graduate. We will be there to support the Bob Bost Family! If you can remember the excitement and enthusiasm we had went our team went "DownState"! Let's go to a basketball game and have some fun,laughs and cheer on the current team that is ranked in the state! I am asking you to please come out this game and you will make the difference!!

ETHS we will Fight for you!! We Can help ETHS Beat New Trier again!!
Best Regards,Rommie HOF Honorary Captain 


1879 … Martin Schwartz your tribute to Dr X should be copied and pasted rite here in Bob Bost IN Memory for his family to see.  i was out for thuh season with torturous mono, and Dr X took me & Bob Hamrin's place at center downstate, blockin shots n snatchin rebounds from near 7 footers, with his PREcise baseball bat swingin TIMING.  tocka tocka tocka timing.  and humor?  humor in his bones!  all love to the entire Bob Bost family in this ETHS-NewTrierB-ball tribute.  I'm there with all my heart.  ….  Love to ahl!  grateful ole marty soup


!888: Melvin "Rommie" Taylor

Hello Classmates,
I am pleased to announce that the class of '64 will be well represented February 3, at the basketball game ETHS against New Trier,  The Bob Bost Family Classic . As you may know, Bob Bost went to Dewey Elementary School and Don Hall(Donut) , Bob Reece, Pat Furllong are planning to attend the game as well as others. Also , Lee Saberson, Helga Schwarten, Steve Gerth, Ken Wideman (Dose) , Welton Wright, Eric Barenholtz and Tom Wiengarter ('65) are planning to attend. We will meet before the game at 4:30 PM at the Holiday Inn on Maple Ave . We had our last reunion there. We will depart for the game at 6:15 PM. Looking forward to seeing all my classmates at this great outing! Be there or Be Square! Let's connect in 2023. Thanks, for your continued support and interest. If you live in the Chicago Land area I want to see you !!!!

ETHS We Will Fight For You!!!!
Rommie HOF Honorary Captain 


from Message Forum here-in:

1891: yea-uh Rommie, Robert Duke of Earl Reece, Kenny Dose, Tom Weingartner, the now late Dr X, and our whole class!. You were there! 

     Patrick, I wonder if it wasn't thuh precision timin a That One Dr X that "controlled our openin tip-off," when we "Wildkits played keep-away for the entire three-minute" THIRD overtime perod of our Super-Sectional game! 

out jumpin every team's big man in the entire state a Illinois. 

     risin to thuh cause. 

          end a senior year.                           (n Arnie Moschin sank his 3-pointer so many years before its time)

dr x           tocka tocka tocka timin 

                                                                                                                             —  marty soup campbell


1869: Theodore Downing


Wish I could be there for this awesome affair.  I do remember being at McGaw hall vs Crane Tech as the closing shot (In overtime) sealed the deal to go down state.  I also have Great memories from our days on the sophmore team with Robert Reece, Doctor X. Dose, you !!

Ted Downing (AKA-"Jumpingjack")


1867: Martin Schwartz   (hope you don't mind … — Marty Soup Campbell)

Rommie, what a great idea and a great tribute to one of our most memorable classmates.  Bob Bost (Doctor "X") and I first met as tesmmates on our Gillette Music little league team when we were 11 years old.  We played baseball together through high school and American Legion ball until Bob got signed to a professional contract with the St. Louis Cardinals.  We became great friends and I can truly say he was one of the funniest people I have ever known.  Whenever I would see him in later years we had tons of laughs rehashing old times.  We lost Bob way too early.  I, too, am in Florida and can't make the game but would love to be there.




Marty Campbell posted a message. New comment added.
Aug 25, 2022 at 1:50 PM

Posted on: Aug 22, 2022 at 5:02 PM

Lois Shelton has just published her first and only book in her life, her whole-life memoir. She cannot post on our website. I am posting this for her:

In 1951 my mother took a Greyhound bus from the snowy north woods to Chicago with me in tow and $10 in her pocket. She quickly found a job in Evanston which was her target town and a good choice. While we had rough years getting stable housing, changing schools, securing work it eventually paid off.

My mother was the daughter of Finnish immigrants that had 8 children and died young leaving my mother as the care taker of the younger children at age fourteen. At twenty she went to Pasadena as. Rosie the Riverter to make Bombs and in 1947 I was born.

My life was unstable with many ups and downs but ETHS gave me the foundation to go in a better direction. With an education,adventures and taking risks. To reach goals my life could be called non traditional but there are many ways to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

(book available at BOOK BABY BOOK SHOP, Barnes & Noble or Amazon).

Marty Campbell has a birthday today. New comment added.
Sep 20, 2022 at 11:27 AM

Posted on: Jun 24, 2022 at 3:33 AM

Marty Campbell added a comment on his Profile. New comment added.
Mar 02, 2022 at 10:59 PM

Posted on: Mar 02, 2022 at 10:59 PM

Marty Campbell added a comment on his Profile. New comment added.
Mar 02, 2022 at 10:59 PM

Posted on: Mar 02, 2022 at 10:56 PM

Marty Campbell added a comment on his Profile. New comment added.
Jan 15, 2022 at 1:37 PM

Posted on: Jan 15, 2022 at 1:37 PM

Marty Campbell added a comment on his Profile.
Jan 15, 2022 at 1:30 PM
Marty Campbell added a comment on his Profile. New comment added.
Apr 07, 2022 at 12:12 PM

Posted on: Jan 11, 2022 at 12:36 AM

Marty Campbell added a comment on his Profile.
Jan 11, 2022 at 12:23 AM
Marty Campbell has left an In Memory comment for Stephen Cohlmeyer.
Jan 04, 2022 at 4:16 PM

I knew Stephen relatively well and mutually kindly from 2nd grade through Orrington elementary, Haven Jr High, most expecially through pre-senior-year sharing basketball practice at ETHS, though never in class as i recall, and i doubt in the same hall (mine south), and all along before-and-likely-during college (those years a wild blur to me in both his and my lives, but i know we shared them with each other by some significant means, and followed parallel mutually driven paths) we shared occasional deep & family embraced visits within his large family home(s, 2 successive) of at least 3 "boys" home, and possibly also my 2 boy family home, i'll halve to ask my brother, which is a hard thing to do at this time perhaps for all of us boys now in 4th quarter together, i dunno.  it became very hard very sadly for Steve and I this last decade or two, when he felt my personality change in our adulthood after we had both left our family homes after college by respective long distances and had kept in touch with my remotely occasional visiting him and Cindy in their sequential parts of Canada.

The last time I saw them was in 1987, a preplanned visit that fell by chance immediately upon the tragic death of my travelling companion, a fact alone that may have colored Steven's eyes and heart considerably.  (89 was an ever increasing fateful year for me, including Hurricane Hugo back on Saint Croix USVI, and loss of contact with my only sibling due to anger in Tom's whole family and his own bipolar continuing episodes to now today, since that date of trigger.)  anyway there was a lot of silence until finally in May 2020 he wrote me a typically beaautifully written and succinct page explaining, in his eyes, " … Marty was always full of cheerful, or sad, energy, but that his (your) focus was always on himself (you).  After lots of good times, but always with this one-sided character, …." 

In honor of my now late and very dear friend, neighbor, class, and teammate Stephen, I would not post this obit, nor make this long comment on  except in solidarity that this whole site represents, and that i know Steve and i felt and indulged enthusiastically together at the time.  i do this for us. 

in our senior year as i recall, he was supremely strong in soccer and in (i think mostly visual) art.  i did not participate in either, and was my self out the last and most glorious half of b-ball season with mono.

i know Steve wanted nothing to do with  i encouraged him to join, and others probly did, several times.  i fwded him pastes of this site exchanges occasionally, especially in relation to soccer.

i have numerous answers to many questions already here, and several unasked yet that he and i shared our common answers to.  but i will refrain from doing more damage to his own strong-held intentions, until i contact his wife who i know as well as he in full adulthood, and his son who i don't know but envy, and show them this damage so far, and humbly ask their blessing for any more, and beg their blessing for this much.  this could take some time.

steve is second of my only two dearest friends from all of h.s. continuing.  i will not go into the first at this time, but i have already and will again, Oh Wordless One spare life.  — grateful ole marty to thuh class of 64

Jan 05, 2022 at 1:09 PM

Posted on: Jan 03, 2022 at 2:55 AM

Happy New Year 2022 ! May God continue to bless y’all the entire year! May our hearts be filled with joy and we are healthy. Health is our wealth!!!! God is good. I thank you for your help and support!

Marty Campbell added a comment on his Profile.
Jan 02, 2022 at 1:21 PM
Marty Campbell added a comment on his Profile.
Jan 01, 2022 at 12:26 PM
Marty Campbell added a comment on his Profile.
Dec 30, 2021 at 11:28 PM
Marty Campbell added a comment on his Profile.
Dec 30, 2021 at 6:19 PM
Dec 28, 2021 at 8:30 PM

Marty “Soup “ Campbell ,
Great to get a donation from you. Also , great that you are available through zoom. Fabulous to be able to give your time as well. Looking forward to seeing you again next year. God Bless you and your family .
Warm Regards,
Rommie HOF Honorary Captain

Marty Campbell posted a message.
Dec 28, 2021 at 2:00 PM

Russ. No sign of retirement yet on a brilliant career (and peace-filling-guided life before career)? "and antique clock collecting."—yer sure yer not a poet? South Hall, too.

Thank you for befriending Rommie and your likely massive gifting of guidance to the EEEF.

i too have landed, 8mos/yr in NM, but 6 hrs' drive from you, in San Lorenzo NM in the Valle Rio Mimbres. all thuh way from the anonymity of thuh vast South Hall of 4X vaster ETHS1964! we both remember knowing Fred Brostoff back then; was he in South Hall too? and i visit SF NM time to time.

Marty Campbell has left an In Memory comment for his Profile.
Oct 24, 2021 at 8:31 PM

Chet.  Thankyou for making these amends publically in this in memory forum.  Thank you for joining our website for the very purpose you did.  I think this is most appropriate, for me and all of us.  And your amends are deeply accepted, at very least by me.  Bless you.  Bless your recovery.  Bless your sincere mourning in this instance, this poignant and unique celebration of Susan's life.  Selah

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Posted: Jan 18, 2014 at 4:20 PM
Posted: Jan 18, 2014 at 4:08 PM